tuberculin$85587$ - Übersetzung nach deutsch
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tuberculin$85587$ - Übersetzung nach deutsch

Purified protein derivative; Tuberculin Test; Tuberculin Units; ATC code V04CF01; ATCvet code QV04CF01; Tubersol; Tuberculin purified protein derivative

n. Tuberkulin (Mittel gegen Tuberkulose)


Tuberculin test
·add. ·- The hypodermic injection of tuberculin, which has little or no effect with healthy cattle, but causes a marked rise in temperature in tuberculous animals.



Tuberculin, also known as purified protein derivative, is a combination of proteins that are used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. This use is referred to as the tuberculin skin test and is recommended only for those at high risk. Reliable administration of the skin test requires large amounts of training, supervision, and practice. Injection is done into the skin. After 48 to 72 hours, if there is more than a five to ten millimeter area of swelling, the test is considered positive.

Common side effects include redness, itchiness, and pain at the site of injection. Allergic reactions may occasionally occur. The test may be falsely positive in those who have been previously vaccinated with BCG or have been infected by other types of mycobacteria. The test may be falsely negative within ten weeks of infection, in those less than six months old, and in those who have been infected for many years. Use is safe in pregnancy.

Tuberculin was discovered in 1890 by Robert Koch. Koch, best known for his work on the etiology of tuberculosis (TB), laid down various rigorous guidelines that aided the establishment between a pathogen and the specific disease that followed that were later named Koch's postulates. Although he initially believed it would cure tuberculosis, this was later disproved. Tuberculin is made from an extract of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.